Wednesday, April 30, 2008

We are in so much trouble...

Mattheus just figured out how to open doors and he likes to wake up early. Even those of you without kids should understand the gravity of this situation: a two-year-old with free reign of the house without parental supervision == really bad news!

We will have to spend the next couple of days hunkering down and getting ready for the destruction. Either that, or we can just put up the baby gate at the top of the stairs. I think we'll go for option #2.


Julia said...

"..understand the gravity.." = "..understand just how fast and hard a two-year old will topple down a flight of stairs possibly screaming at the top of his lungs due to the force of gravity.."

Luis Baars said...

Actually, he mastered stairs several months ago (hence why the gate wasn't up). We're more concerned about him getting to the front door and deciding he wants to go outside for a little while. That just gives me the shivers thinking about it.