Monday, April 28, 2008

6 years and counting...

Yesterday, Wifey and I celebrated our 6th anniversary. To tell you the truth these were really easy years. Over this time we haven't had a single fight (in fact we've never had a fight any time in our relationship) and have had only 1 or 2 "discussions". When I was thinking about this the other day I had to double check with her just in case I had forgotten about something. Her response was "No, but why are you asking about this? Do you feel like you need to pick a fight with me?" I guess I must have had my serious face on when I asked the question...she always knows just the right thing to say to get me to laugh.

About the most stressful part of the marriage so far has been the cross-country move to Colorado which has taken us away from all of our family and friends. Probably the worst night of my life happened when Wifey had to have an emergency appendectomy while we were all out here looking at houses on my interview trip. After being stuck in a strange town without any friends and a very tired 2-year-old waiting for your wife to get out of surgery, the stresses of moving to the same strange town aren't quite as bad. Hey, at least we knew the hospitals were good!

In short, these have been the best years of my life. I have a smart, funny, and beautiful wife and our kids have inherited all these traits. I can't wait to see what the upcoming years have in store for us. What more can you ask for?


Julia said...

Six years and counting! Congrats! I think the 6th anniversary gift is like candy (traditional) or wood (modern) (Yes, I looked it up). They seriously need to have better anniversary gift ideas. All I can think of is some husband handing his wife one of those fire logs you buy at Wal-Mart saying, "This is for later when we sit by the fire and, you know. Heh heh. What? Aw c'mon honey! Don't. Don't make that face. I'm sorry." And then he ends up buying her that really expensive piece of jewelry anyway that he was trying to avoid. Sheesh.

Luis Baars said...

We don't even do that, instead this is what happened:
Wifey: "Did you get me anything?"
Me: "No, did you?"
Wifey: "Nope. When we go out tomorrow lets get ourselves some stuff that we know we'll want."
Me: "Sound like a great idea to me."

I know it isn't very romantic, but it's the way we work. She got one of those super nice jogging tops from title nine and 2 CDs (Dropkick Murphys and Social Distortion. And I got 4 CDs (Bob Marley, Lauryn Hill, Weezer, and Massive Attack). We got what we wanted and were very happy listening to our new tunes on the way home!

Julia said...

Your wife has wicked good taste in music. Kudos to you on the Massive Attack selection.

battlemaiden said...

Congratulations! Romance is over-rated anyway. :-P

Unknown said...

Wow I can't believe I completely forgot that is when you guys got married. Wifey? Really? Ok, I have to go finish reading the jaw dropping blog. Oh Fyi- nice picture you look like you got your butt pinched