Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Still With The Water Issues

As a follow up to the previous post...

The funny part is that I've waited until now to decide that I want to learn to sail. No, living next to Lake Ontario and the Finger Lakes most of my life wasn't good enough. Moving to Philly didn't suffice either. Nope, I've got to wait until we move to the Rockies where the things they call "lakes" are what most Easterners would call "ponds". About the only place you can sail is in the man-made reservoirs that serve as the region's potable water supply. I'll be taking my first class this weekend in Standley Lake. The image at the left shows a nice comparison of Standley Lake against Conesus Lake in New York. If Conesus is considered a small lake...it looks like Standley is tiny.

Oh well, the "Wildlife Refuge" part of Standley is actually pretty cool. Apparently, they have some bald eagles nesting on the lake and a whole section is blocked off so that humans don't disturb their habitat. Maybe we will see them flying around while out on the water. Now that would be cool!

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